This policy document explains what information we collect and retain about visitors to the site, and how we treat that information.
Information supplied automatically is aggregated and used for statistical purposes (such as generating lists of the most popular pages). It is not used to identify any individual or their activity on the site.
Information supplied by you is used solely for the purposes for which it was supplied, such as identifying you as the author of user-contributed content or enabling access to restricted areas of the site.
We protect the privacy of your supplied data and do not make it available to third parties except as part of user-contributed content which you have chosen to publish. In particular, email addresses supplied as part of user-contributed content are never published on the site.
We do not add your email address to any mailing list without your explicit content. However, we reserve the right to use your supplied contact details (including your email address) if necessary to communicate with you regarding your user-contributed content or your registration for restricted areas of the site.