About CheckMyPostcode.UK

Data Sources

This website contains data supplied by the following government agencies under the Open Government Licence by the following organisations:

Councillor and Assembly Member details include data from the following sources:

Retail and Healthy Living information includes data from the following sources:

This website contains data supplied under licence by the following organisations:

House Price data covers the transactions received at Land Registry in the period January 2009 to present. If you have found an error with the data, please contact the Land Registry.

CheckMyPostcode.UK is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the data published on this website. All data is compiled from publicly available sources. CheckMyPostcode.UK asserts no proprietary right in any statistical or geospatial data published on this website.

See also the Disclaimer and Limitations page for some more background on the accuracy of this data.

Credits and Contact

CheckMyPostcode.UK is a Good Stuff website.


You can contact the administrator of this website by email at 'contact{at}checkmypostcode.uk' (making the obvious substitution to turn that into a valid email address).

Geeky Stuff

For those who care abut such things, this site is built on an open source platform using Linux, Apache, PHP and MySQL. The visual design is based on the Foundation framework utilising Savant as a templating system.


CheckMyPostcode.UK is a Good Stuff website.