Latitude: 57.159 / 57°9'32"N
Longitude: -2.1351 / 2°8'6"W
OS Eastings: 391929
OS Northings: 807575
OS Grid: NJ919075
Mapcode National: GBR S66.NK
Mapcode Global: WH9QQ.5BK6
Plus Code: 9C9V5V57+HX
Maidenhead Locator System: IO87wd38
What Three Birds: eider.auk.hoopoe
Marker point and cooordinate accuracy: Within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean.
AB16 5EW is a residential postcode in Ashgrove, Aberdeen. It was first introduced in June 1996.
The most common council tax bands are C and B.
AB16 5EW is in the Aberdeen travel to work area. NHS services are provided by the Aberdeen City Community Health Partnership Primary Care Trust.
AB16 5EW is approximately 88m (289ft) above sea level.
Office of National Statistics Output Area Classification for the area containing AB16 5EW
7a3: Constrained City Dwellers - Challenged Diversity - Multi-Ethnic Hardship
Office of National Statistics Rural/Urban classification for AB16 5EW
Scotland 1: a major city
Healthy Living Index
3/10 (Low)
Neighbourhood Retail Diversity Index
8/10 (High)
Area Retail Diversity Index
4/10 (Low)
Supermarkets near AB16 5EW include Aldi, Asda, Co-Operative Food, Farmfoods, Iceland, Lidl, M&S Simply Food, Morrisons, Sainsbury's and Tesco. (Source: OpenStreetMap)
(Links open in a new window)
Residents of AB16 5EW are represented at different levels of local, regional and national government by elected representatives. Where known, these are shown here.
This data is updated approximately monthly, and may not necessarily take account of the results of any elections or by-elections held recently.
Aberdeen North
Kirsty Blackman (Scottish National Party)
Unitary Authority ward (UTW)
Hazel Cameron (Scottish National Party (SNP))
Neil Copland (Scottish National Party (SNP))
Deena Tissera (Labour)
Ofcom publishes annual statistics for Broadband availability. This is the most recent data for AB16 5EW.
The most recent Ofsted rankings for schools near AB16 5EW.
Sorry, we have no current data to display for this area.